jeudi 7 décembre 2017
mardi 26 septembre 2017
Rocket 'n Roll
> Le 7/8 Octobre, nous allons construire un poele
rocket dans une petite maison, ça sera avec plaisir de vous accueillir
si vous souhaitez nous rejoindre!
> Animé par Mika du l'asso Lisères.
> >
> Pour apprendre comment construire le rocket, inscrivez-vous pour le samedi ou tout le weekend.
> Pour refraichir vos connaissances du rocket, et de particper de rencontre convival, passer plutôt le dimanche à partir du midi.
> Pour mieux gerer les actvités du weekend, merci de reserver vos places. Mail to
> Ammener vos plats preferé pour les repas partagé (vegetarien).
> Possibilité de dormir sur place.
> Animé par Mika du l'asso Lisères.
> >
Cette fois, c'est en mode du chantier participative: du 9h samedi 7 Octobre à 17h dimanche 8.
> Il y a la place pour jusqu'à 10 participants.>
> Pour apprendre comment construire le rocket, inscrivez-vous pour le samedi ou tout le weekend.
> Pour refraichir vos connaissances du rocket, et de particper de rencontre convival, passer plutôt le dimanche à partir du midi.
> Pour mieux gerer les actvités du weekend, merci de reserver vos places. Mail to
> Ammener vos plats preferé pour les repas partagé (vegetarien).
> Possibilité de dormir sur place.
La liste des activités/travaux que nous réaliserons
- Préparation des mélanges terre et terre-paille pour mortier et bauge.
- Découpe et décapage des éléments métalliques
Eventuellement récupération et préparation des éléments (portes) d'un
vieux poele ou cuisinière à bois (pour faire des portes de foyer)
- Préparation pierres et briques pour la maçonnerie
- Préparation assise chambre de combustion (dalle en béton cellulaire)
- Maçonnerie chambre de combustion
- Maçonnerie jonction chambre de combustion / banquette ou évacuation
- Mise en place banquette (non maçonnée)
Pour ceux qui souhaitent plus du confort (chambre, repas
fourni etc) et séjour prolongé, une participation des frais pour Le Blé
en herbe est aussi bienvenue.
lundi 10 juillet 2017
lundi 12 juin 2017
samedi 3 juin 2017
Kitchen garden
The cottage industry is back in production, plenty of herbs to harvest, and the first fruits...may berries, strawberries.
It's looking to be another disappointing tree fruit year, the late April frosts now showing their destructive impact. Cherries have escaped, later fruiting apples and the occasional pear tree still developing fruit. So thanks again to the wilder harvest, there are plenty of leaf plants to eat and now the profusion of elderflowers for 'champagne', cordial and herb teas. First cut of mint and lemon balm likewise for syrups & teas, exquisitely perfumed rose petals for drying and syrups-making ice-cream...
Temperatures well over 30°C in the shade, had my first swim in the river ...long time since taking the plunge in May!
Watching the progress of developing artichokes for timing the first cut. Small portions of delicious asparagus already appreciated...very satisfying to see symbolic and real seed dreams being realised. :)
It's looking to be another disappointing tree fruit year, the late April frosts now showing their destructive impact. Cherries have escaped, later fruiting apples and the occasional pear tree still developing fruit. So thanks again to the wilder harvest, there are plenty of leaf plants to eat and now the profusion of elderflowers for 'champagne', cordial and herb teas. First cut of mint and lemon balm likewise for syrups & teas, exquisitely perfumed rose petals for drying and syrups-making ice-cream...
Temperatures well over 30°C in the shade, had my first swim in the river ...long time since taking the plunge in May!
Watching the progress of developing artichokes for timing the first cut. Small portions of delicious asparagus already appreciated...very satisfying to see symbolic and real seed dreams being realised. :)
vendredi 21 avril 2017
lundi 17 avril 2017
Projection du film d'Adrien Bellay : L'éveil de la permaculture
Le réseau de permaculture Creusois vous invite à la Projection/Discussion autour du film d'Adrien Bellay:
L'éveil de la permaculture
Le Jeudi 18 Mai à 20h30 au cinéma le Sénéchal de Guéret
"La permaculture laisse entrevoir une lueur d’espoir avec ses solutions écologiquement soutenables, économiquement viables et socialement équitables. Accessible à tous, elle peut être mise en oeuvre partout…
Aujourd’hui, des hommes et des femmes se rencontrent et expérimentent cette alternative crédible.
La transition “permacole” est en marche ! "
La projection sera suivie d'une discussion en présence de Maria Sperring, Wouter Keirse, et Jean-Etienne Perez membres du réseau de Permaculture Creusois.
Pour plus d'information n'hésitez pas à contacter :
Faites passez l'info autour de vous dans vos réseaux, merci.
Aujourd’hui, des hommes et des femmes se rencontrent et expérimentent cette alternative crédible.
La transition “permacole” est en marche ! "
La projection sera suivie d'une discussion en présence de Maria Sperring, Wouter Keirse, et Jean-Etienne Perez membres du réseau de Permaculture Creusois.
Pour plus d'information n'hésitez pas à contacter :
Faites passez l'info autour de vous dans vos réseaux, merci.
samedi 15 avril 2017
Happy Chocolate!
Heard my first cuckoo of the year today, eating first harvest of rhubarb, first new batch of nettle beer & drying nettles for herb tea mixes once more. Enjoying some sunny days of 25°c, and then back to chilly air, suggestion of returning frosts. Skies and air full of confetti blossoms and the waves of intoxicating, delicious scents recommence...lilacs, cherry blossom...honeysuckle and lime flowers soon to follow.
Such a hope-renewing season of avancing promise and warmth: anyone connected to this gracious bounty could not imagine threatening the whole planet & all its inhabitants with senseless devastating weapons. May sense and perspective prevail.
Such a hope-renewing season of avancing promise and warmth: anyone connected to this gracious bounty could not imagine threatening the whole planet & all its inhabitants with senseless devastating weapons. May sense and perspective prevail.
Arch Encounter!
An archery workshop to discover the art of the bow.
Using specific physical exercises you can develop awareness of your stance in relation to the bow and enhance your perception of 'here & now'. Anchoring breathwork is used to help realise one's capacity for release, for letting go.
Accompanied by archery tradition, ritual and histories, you can immerse yourself with all senses into the world of the an exceptional place of nature's stillness and calm.
No previous experience necessary.
16th to 19th August Beginning 9;30am (about 6 hours a day)
Maximum group size 8;
Price: 210€ (30€ reduction for bookings confirmed before 30/6/17)
Hire of equipement 25€
Accommodation in Le Blé: room & meals 44€/day 160€ for 4 days
camping & meals 38€/day 140€ for 4 days
Arrival possible from 15th Aug, and to prolong stay in Le Blé.
Individual archery sessions possible up to 25th Aug.
Teacher: Cornelia Baumgart has been learning and teaching intuitive archery, connecting it with meditation & bodywork since 2007. She studies therapeutic archery with Astrid Reis in Berlin and Switzerland. Connie also teaches dance and theatre.
Using specific physical exercises you can develop awareness of your stance in relation to the bow and enhance your perception of 'here & now'. Anchoring breathwork is used to help realise one's capacity for release, for letting go.
Accompanied by archery tradition, ritual and histories, you can immerse yourself with all senses into the world of the an exceptional place of nature's stillness and calm.
No previous experience necessary.
16th to 19th August Beginning 9;30am (about 6 hours a day)
Maximum group size 8;
Price: 210€ (30€ reduction for bookings confirmed before 30/6/17)
Hire of equipement 25€
Accommodation in Le Blé: room & meals 44€/day 160€ for 4 days
camping & meals 38€/day 140€ for 4 days
Arrival possible from 15th Aug, and to prolong stay in Le Blé.
Individual archery sessions possible up to 25th Aug.
Teacher: Cornelia Baumgart has been learning and teaching intuitive archery, connecting it with meditation & bodywork since 2007. She studies therapeutic archery with Astrid Reis in Berlin and Switzerland. Connie also teaches dance and theatre.
lundi 27 mars 2017
Weekend de conception du rocket stove
ABC du Rocket Stove 29-30 Avril 2017
Lisières propose un week-end pédagogique pour apprendre à auto-construire des cuiseurs et poêles à bois économes utilisant le principe de combustion Rocket.
Qu’ est-ce que c’est ?
Les applications utilisant le principe du Rocket présentent une combustion efficace et très propre du bois tout en permettant une utilisation optimale de la chaleur produite.
Les formes et les fonctions du Rocket sont modulables et adaptables à toutes les situations.
Les techniques de construction des Rocket sont simples et adaptées à l’auto-construction.
Les coûts de construction peuvent être très faibles car il est possible de réaliser le poêle à partir de matériaux de récupération, de terre et de pierre...
Max Nombre de participants : 12
Horaires : La rencontre commencera le samedi 29 avril à 8 h 30
et se terminera le dimanche 30 avril vers 17 h 30.
Lisières : Mika animera bénévolement cette rencontre. Notre objectif étant de transmettre et de diffuser aussi largement que possible le principe de combustion « Rocket », nous ne voulons pas que l’argent soit un frein à votre participation. Les dons récoltés sont considérés comme une mutualisation des moyens et servent à financer l’acquisition de nouveaux savoirs qui sont transmis à moindre coût à un public plus vaste. Il a construit plusieurs Rocket Stove et animé plusieurs chantiers et stages. Lisières a pour objet l’acquisition et la transmission de savoir, savoir-faire,
Repas et hébergement :Maria se chargera de confectionner les repas et propose des hébergements. Le prix est de 15 € /jour minimum (hébergement et 3 repas/jour). Si vous souhaitez soutenir le projet de Maria, nous vous encourageons à donner plus. Possibilité d’accueil dès le vendredi ainsi que le dimanche soir...
Plus d’info & inscriptions :
dimanche 5 mars 2017
Seasonal starting blocks
March is a few days old, but not yet a daffodil in least 2 weeks later than last year. The dance of snowdrops is starting to fade, colchique crocus have been flowering since around 17th Feb when the first crane birds flew over here back from south to north.
First ticks re-emerging with the sunny warmth, despite frosty nights. And now, after a dryish winter, deluging rains have been flooding the ditches and causing streams to overflow.
Getting polytunnels and greenhouses back into order, rehydrating the soil, cleaning algae of the plastic and removing last year's remaining dead plants. The new season will soon explode into action, seeds already ordered and potting compost at the ready.
Each year begins with fresh endeavour to have a spectacular, ordered garden overflowing with produce....and then the speed of fresh growth quickly overtakes any notion of keeping up with Nature's own-willed....wild!....profusion.
Successes of last year include cucumbers,
sweet potatoes
and cape gooseberries,
grown again for the first time in years.

New discovery and definitely to be nurtured this year is shiso or perilla: I saw this little plant with great claims on the label in a supermarket & decided to try it out. Wonderful salad plant, looks a bit like purple basil, tastes like litchi to me. Lifts the flavour of a bowl of mixed leaves in a tangy and delightfully refreshing way.
Ambitions for garden 2017 include lots of artichokes and asparagus, impressive & delicious perennial veg...and getting sooooooo expensive to buy.
Last year was the least productive in fruit in 2 decades: mild winter, cold late spring, scorching july & dry august all factors. Hoping for much better this year...but despite all best efforts in caring for the soil & cultivating lots of diversity, it's still Nature & the weather that has the deciding hand.
First ticks re-emerging with the sunny warmth, despite frosty nights. And now, after a dryish winter, deluging rains have been flooding the ditches and causing streams to overflow.
Getting polytunnels and greenhouses back into order, rehydrating the soil, cleaning algae of the plastic and removing last year's remaining dead plants. The new season will soon explode into action, seeds already ordered and potting compost at the ready.
Each year begins with fresh endeavour to have a spectacular, ordered garden overflowing with produce....and then the speed of fresh growth quickly overtakes any notion of keeping up with Nature's own-willed....wild!....profusion.
Successes of last year include cucumbers,
and cape gooseberries,
New discovery and definitely to be nurtured this year is shiso or perilla: I saw this little plant with great claims on the label in a supermarket & decided to try it out. Wonderful salad plant, looks a bit like purple basil, tastes like litchi to me. Lifts the flavour of a bowl of mixed leaves in a tangy and delightfully refreshing way.
Ambitions for garden 2017 include lots of artichokes and asparagus, impressive & delicious perennial veg...and getting sooooooo expensive to buy.
Last year was the least productive in fruit in 2 decades: mild winter, cold late spring, scorching july & dry august all factors. Hoping for much better this year...but despite all best efforts in caring for the soil & cultivating lots of diversity, it's still Nature & the weather that has the deciding hand.
vendredi 27 janvier 2017
-8°C at night +8°C the day...I'm always amazed at the resilience of plants, birds , insects etc, enduring not just the cold but also the bounces between extremes.
Frosted snowdrops emerging through the leaf litter, more 'conventional' timing than those that were already flowering in December the previous year.
2016 is acknowledged as the warmest year on record, and the winter was very mild. I don't remember the coldest temperature here, but it barely frosted, and then mostly in March. It was a year of lowest fruit harvest I've known in 20+ years. The (up to...down to!....) -10°C is tough to live with, but hopefully it means a more healthy and productive garden again.
Even so, I'm surpised to see how many wild salad plants are still flourishing, plenty of red dead nettle and chickweed...looking much healthier than the cultivated lettuce! Ground ivy too.

And nettles still growing, usually having a dormant period before returning in March.

A delight to have a robin hopping nearby as I work in the woods...haven't seen many in recent years, are they on the decline aswell?
Frosted snowdrops emerging through the leaf litter, more 'conventional' timing than those that were already flowering in December the previous year.
2016 is acknowledged as the warmest year on record, and the winter was very mild. I don't remember the coldest temperature here, but it barely frosted, and then mostly in March. It was a year of lowest fruit harvest I've known in 20+ years. The (up to...down to!....) -10°C is tough to live with, but hopefully it means a more healthy and productive garden again.
Even so, I'm surpised to see how many wild salad plants are still flourishing, plenty of red dead nettle and chickweed...looking much healthier than the cultivated lettuce! Ground ivy too.
And nettles still growing, usually having a dormant period before returning in March.
A delight to have a robin hopping nearby as I work in the woods...haven't seen many in recent years, are they on the decline aswell?
mercredi 4 janvier 2017
Cultivate Peace, the garden of our hearts
Women Wage Peace......beautifully inspiring, the power of gentleness watch?v=YyFM-pWdqrY&feature= share
"Il est arrivé un grand petit miracle presque complètement ignoré par les médias: des milliers de femmes juives, musulmanes et chrétiennes ont marché ensemble en Israël pour la paix. Dans la nouvelle vidéo officielle du mouvement pour la paix "Women Wage Peace",
"Il est arrivé un grand petit miracle presque complètement ignoré par les médias: des milliers de femmes juives, musulmanes et chrétiennes ont marché ensemble en Israël pour la paix. Dans la nouvelle vidéo officielle du mouvement pour la paix "Women Wage Peace",
chanteuse israélienne Yael Deckelbaum chante la chanson "Prayer of the
Mothers", avec des femmes et des mères de toutes les religions, montrant
que la musique est en train de changer et doit changer. Un acte
d'amour, un miracle féminin qui vaut mieux que mille mots.
Partagez cette nouvelle tout ce que vous pouvez!
Shalom Salam Paix" Anne Flo Vanden Perre :
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