vendredi 27 janvier 2017


-8°C at night +8°C the day...I'm always amazed at the resilience of plants, birds , insects etc, enduring not just the cold but also the bounces between extremes.
Frosted snowdrops emerging through the leaf litter, more 'conventional' timing than those that were already flowering in December the previous year. 

2016 is acknowledged as the warmest year on record, and the winter was very mild. I don't remember the coldest temperature here, but it barely frosted, and then mostly in March. It was a year  of lowest fruit harvest I've known in 20+ years.  The (up to...down to!....) -10°C is tough to live with, but hopefully it means a more healthy and productive garden again. 
Even so, I'm surpised  to see how many wild salad plants are still flourishing, plenty of red dead nettle and chickweed...looking much healthier than the cultivated lettuce!  Ground ivy too.

And nettles still growing, usually having a dormant period before returning in March.

 Résultat de recherche d'images pour "robin bird"

 A delight to have a robin hopping nearby as I work in the woods...haven't seen many in recent years, are they on the decline aswell?

mercredi 4 janvier 2017

Cultivate Peace, the garden of our hearts

Women Wage Peace......beautifully inspiring, the power of gentleness

 "Il est arrivé un grand petit miracle presque complètement ignoré par les médias: des milliers de femmes juives, musulmanes et chrétiennes ont marché ensemble en Israël pour la paix. Dans la nouvelle vidéo officielle du mouvement pour la paix "Women Wage Peace",
la chanteuse israélienne Yael Deckelbaum chante la chanson "Prayer of the Mothers", avec des femmes et des mères de toutes les religions, montrant que la musique est en train de changer et doit changer. Un acte d'amour, un miracle féminin qui vaut mieux que mille mots.
Partagez cette nouvelle tout ce que vous pouvez!
Shalom Salam Paix" Anne Flo Vanden Perre :

dimanche 1 janvier 2017

Warm greetings from a chilly Creuse, white frosted grass crunching underfoot, remaining frozen for consecutive days in the shade.
 All the best for a positively productive 2017!!!

                                 A few tasty morsels of wisdom for the journey into the New Year