a pretty powder of snow laced the branches and lit the air, then
faded into a sugared-almond sunset. Last attempts of winter to show
face, as the green fuse of spring continues forcing through. Cornus
mas in flower, one of the first fruits to blossom, one of the last to
harvest, towards September/October. Each year begins again with
promise and adventure, never knowing what will come to fruition…..
week I gave a talk on Permaculture to the Societé Pomologique at
Neuvy St Sepulchre. There were about a hundred people in the
audience, the most they’d ever had for a talk in their 30 years
existence…and by far the largest group I’ve spoken to in 15 years
of permaculture presentations!
to see that permaculture has arrived at village level locally, and
the angle of my talk was about the importance of context in
permaculture. Perhaps through gaps and misunderstandings in
translation, I hear too often that people understand permaculture
just as a gardening method, using raised beds. It is an ethic and
philosophy, all about caring for our planet and its inhabitants,
creating abundance and sharing resources….whether through
gardening, or any other human activity…..its manifestations are
endless, limited only by our imaginations!
the seasonal cycle of sowing seeds begins again, trays in front of
the kitchen window sill to avoid frosts and mice, until transfer to
greenhouse and open ground…symbol and reality of hope and
practicality, Eden is in our hands…